International Mission

Transform Lives, Transform the World

At Orchard Knob Missionary Baptist Church, we are committed to glorifying the Savior, empowering the saints, and rescuing the sinner. As a beacon of hope and faith, our mission extends beyond the boundaries of our local community into the far corners of the globe. We invite you to be a part of our international mission, where we strive to equip our members to proclaim the gospel of grace and transform lives in places like Honduras.

In accordance with the Great Commission from God, as stated in Matthew 28:19, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," we are called to spread His word and love across the world. By participating in our international mission, you have the opportunity to make a profound impact, whether by traveling and using your talents on the ground, supporting our efforts through generous donations, or providing spiritual backing with your prayers and encouragement. The role of the black church in international missions is crucial and underrepresented, with less than 1 percent of American missionaries being black. Your involvement helps us bridge this gap and bring the love of Christ to those who need it most.

Join Us in Proclaiming Grace and Transforming Lives

Together, let's glorify God, empower the saints, and rescue the sinner—one mission at a time. 

It's Time to Get Started:  How Can I Help? 

Ready to make a difference? You can join our mission in three impactful ways. Whether you’re ready to use your talents on the ground, uplift the mission through prayer, or fuel our efforts financially, your support is essential. Choose the best way for you to get involved and help transform lives today.
Equipped for the Mission: Evangelism Training
Before joining us in mission work, we encourage all volunteers to take the Crash Course on Evangelism by Dr. Bobby Conway, available through RightNow Media. This 7-session course will equip you with the biblical foundation, strategy, and excitement needed to share your faith effectively. Each session is about 16 minutes, making it easy to fit into your schedule.

This training is a critical first step in preparing to serve, helping you feel confident and ready to share the Gospel as part of our mission work.
Join the Mission: Support Physically
Join Orchard Knob Missionary Baptist Church in our mission to Honduras, where you can make a profound impact by using your talents and gifts. Whether you are a dental, medical, or vision care professional, an evangelist, a teacher, or a prayer partner, your skills are invaluable. Answer the call to international mission work and fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19) by spreading God's love and healing to those in need.

Your Participation Can Take Many Forms:
  • Professional Expertise: Offer your skills in dental, medical, or vision care.
  • Evangelism: Share the gospel and bring the message of salvation.
  • Teaching: Educate and empower through teaching.
  • Prayer Partnership: Support our mission spiritually through prayer and encouragement.
Complete the Registration Form, review the OKMBC International Mission Team Guidelines and return to
Uplift the Mission: Support Spiritually
If you’re not able to physically be there, your prayers and encouragement are just as vital. This is a powerful way for those who can't travel to support the mission. Fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19) by lifting up our team and the people we serve with your faith and dedication. As 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says, "Pray without ceasing."

Your Spiritual Support Can Take Many Forms:
  • Prayer Warriors: Pray for our team’s safety, success, and spiritual strength.
  • Encouragers: Offer words of encouragement and faith to team members and those they serve.
  • Faith Partners: Join us in regular prayer meetings and spiritual gatherings to support the mission.
Fuel the Mission: Support Financially
If you’re not able to physically be there, your financial contributions are just as vital. This is a powerful way for those who can't travel to support the mission. Fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19) by enabling our team and the people we serve with your generosity. As Proverbs 19:17 says, "Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done."

Your Financial Support Can Take Many Forms:
  • Missionary Fund: Contribute to our missionary fund to support ongoing mission activities.
    • Web Giving through Breeze: select Give to Mission fund.
    • Web Giving through Givelify: select Mission as the Gift Purpose.
    • Text Giving through Breeze: Text Mission to 423.800.8093 (Ex. Mission $50).
    • Give in Person: and mark Mission on the envelope.
  • Medication Donations: Donate non-expired medications you are no longer using.
  • Child Sponsorship: Sponsor a child to ensure they receive education, healthcare, and spiritual guidance.

See Our Impact: Previous Mission Highlights 

Discover the incredible work we've done on our previous mission trips. Browse through our photos and read stories of transformation and hope. Witness firsthand the difference your support can make and get inspired to join us in our mission to bring love and healing to those in need. Explore the gallery and learn more about the lives we've touched and the communities we've uplifted. 

International Missions Presentation

Click the presentation for more information and how you can help.

2024 Honduras Missions Trip Highlights

International Missions Weekend Photos